September 15, 2017
This week, on the Weekly 90, - a day in the life of Trudeau - tax payer funded holidays and raising your taxes.
September 08, 2017
Hiking taxes on the middle class, and our #CPC caucus prepare for the fall Parliamentary session! Tune in now.
September 01, 2017
Higher taxes for small business owners and the new faces of the Conservative shadow cabinet.
August 14, 2017
As Andrew Scheer consults with Canadians, Justin Trudeau looks to raise taxes - again!
August 04, 2017
Andrew Scheer meets with Canadians while Justin Trudeau continues to sell access to government. Watch the latest Weekly90!
July 28, 2017
Unity in Alberta, Andrew Scheer's leadership team unveiled, and more Liberal cash for access news.
July 21, 2017
Andrew Scheer's vision for Canada, and an Omar Khadr update
July 14, 2017
Lots to talk about this week, check it out.
July 07, 2017
From Canada Day celebrations to Khadr, it's been a busy week
June 30, 2017
Did you miss Trudeau's press conference this week? Get a recap in this week's Weekly90!
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